Bowling is a sport in which players try to knock down pins with a special ball. The winner is the one who knocks out the most pins in a game.
The history of the emergence and development of bowling
Bowling is so old that no one knows exactly when and where it was invented and by whom. The first versions of the game were thought to have been played around 5000 BC. King Henry VIII of England was a big fan of bowling, he even went so far as to install outdoor bowling alleys in Whitehall. He also saw it as a status symbol and subsequently banned the lower strata from playing it.
In the 19th century, many European immigrants from Germany, the Netherlands and England brought their love of bowling to America with them. Although the sport has existed in the United States since about 1670, it did not become popular until the 1800s. In earlier versions of the game, nine pins were used, but in the version popular in America, there were 10.
It is the United States that is considered the birthplace of the classic version of this game. Innovations in the sport, such as hard rubber balls and the automatic pin corrector, have made bowling much easier and therefore more popular. In the 1950s, bowling championships were televised and people began to view bowling as a regular recreational and competitive sport. The next step forward in the development of the bowling industry was the invention of the automatic scoring system in the 1970s.
Bowling Rules
The rules of bowling are quite simple. It is required to knock out as many pins as possible in one throw. All this is included in the scoring system, which counts them as each pin is knocked down. It is possible to strike a “strike” by knocking down all the pins in one throw, then the player receives 10 points plus the number of pins knocked out on the next two throws. If a player hits a “spare”, that is, hits all the pins in 2 throws in one turn, he also receives additional points. In one game, there are 10 opportunities to get a strike, and a player can earn a maximum of 300 points. One batch consists of 10 frames. One frame is the turn of one player. In each frame or turn, the player has two attempts to knock down as many pins as possible with his ball.
There are several rules that can affect a team’s score: The foul line is located at the very beginning of the lane. This is a line that bowlers cannot cross during their turn. Pins that are knocked down during the turn when the player crosses the foul line do not count. On each side of the track there is a chute, which is a low area into which the ball can roll. A ball that has rolled off the track into a groove is called a grooved ball. As a rule, the ball in the chute rolls to the end of the lane and returns back to the throw. From time to time the ball falls into the chute with such force that it bounces back out of the chute. If this happens and the pins are knocked down, those pins do not count towards the player’s score. The ball cannot be replaced during the game. During any bowling match, the bowler cannot alter his ball in any way. However, they can change it before and after each game.
This is to avoid cheating and to prevent bowlers from using substances that can change the ball to give them an unfair advantage during play. Some bowlers pre-polish their bowling balls to make them shiny and smooth on one side and rough on the other. This will help improve the spin of the ball. Any changes to the bowling balls must be made before the start of the match or the bowler may be disqualified during the competition. It is also important to practice etiquette to be polite to others while playing. This helps the game run more smoothly and also gives the bowlers space to complete their turn. For example, if a bowler enters his lane at the same time as someone next to him, then it is customary to let the person to your right pass. This allows them to stay focused and doesn’t force them to rush to complete their turn.
Types of Bowling
10-pin bowling, also known simply as “bowling”, is probably the most popular type of bowling in the world. The official rules for 10-pin bowling were adopted by the American Bowling Congress in 1895. Here are the main features of a 10-pin bowling alley: The ball is heavy from 6 to 16 pounds and has three finger holes; The ten pins are arranged in a triangle, known as a frame; There are 10 frames in one game; Each player gets 2 turns unless the player rolls a strike. 9-pin bowling is another type of bowling game that uses 9 pins instead of 10. The game is very different from 10-pin bowling, although there is only 1 less pin. This type of game was quite popular in the USA until the beginning of the 20th century.
The ball in this variety is smaller than a 10-pin bowling ball. The pins are arranged in a diamond shape with a red pin in the middle. There are 6 frames in the game and there is no individual score for each player, only a team score. Dakpin bowling. Dakpin is actually very similar to the 10-pin version of the game with a few minor changes. The pins are shorter and feel thicker than 10-pin pins, and the pins are only 9 inches high. Due to the shape and size of duck pins, it is more difficult to hit than in a standard bowling alley. The main differences between dakpin bowling: The ball weighs 3.75 pounds and has no finger holes; Hairpins are shorter and wider; There are 10 frames in the game; Each player gets 3 turns.
Bowling Equipment
The game room will require a minimum of ten standard size bowling pins that are 15 inches high, 4.75 inches wide at their widest point, and weigh 3 lb 8 oz each. Bowling balls range in diameter from 8.5 inches to 8.595 inches with a maximum weight of 16 pounds. There is no minimum allowed ball weight. Be sure to install a pin-setting machine – a pinsetter and a pinsetter control unit, a ball-return mechanism and an electronic scoring system.
In bowling, players must wear special shoes designed only for him. Playing in regular shoes can ruin the wooden lanes, so organizers usually require players to either rent bowling shoes or bring their own. In professional and competitive bowling, bowlers usually wear different shoes on their left and right feet. One boot will be more slippery and the other will have a rubber sole to help bowlers glide and brake easily. The side of each shoe is chosen based on the hand the bowler is using. For example, a right-handed bowler will wear slippery shoes on the left foot and brake shoes on the right foot. When choosing a ball, professionals pay attention to such properties as surface friction, porosity and mass distribution, which affect the movement of the ball as it rolls.
Microfibre cloth/towel. Many players wipe the ball after each throw. Wiping the ball can remove any accumulated moisture that has collected on the surface. When a bowling ball hits the lane, it absorbs some of the polish as it moves towards the pins. The accumulated varnish can slow down the friction between the bowling ball and the lane, causing the ball to slide forward instead of spinning. Bowling gloves have many uses that help improve the game quality of the person who uses them. Many bowlers tend to use bowling gloves as hand and wrist support to reduce the strain that constantly throwing a bowling ball can cause.